Monday, January 5, 2009

The Future of my bolggs

It seems that since the creation of my bog, I have not been thinking about anythign else. Writing in a blogg promotes creativity and freedom. And so in an effort not to have random boggs, which Im sure there will be many anyways, I have devised a plan that will let me write everyday in an ordered fashion. Also, sometimes I feel likw writing, but I don't know what to write about. So the list below will help me to always have a topic to write about. Dreams and Wild Things will now on be sort of a journal.
For eveyr day of the week, I will have guide lines or a topic idea that I will have to write about. It will be a universal topic, so my bloggs are not the same.
Sunday: Who is Kathleen: A deeper look into who I was, who I am, and what I want to become
Monday: Monday Woes: A look at the week ahead
Tuesday: Random Box: Any topic of the week or something I had on my mind
Wednesday: Middle of the week pandemonium: The stresses of school and home
Thursday: Questiontime
Friday: Opinion of the current situation of the world
Saturday: Storytime Fiction

Other days that require a Random Box, if I wish are....
Rainy days
Snow days
Blizzard nights
Limited time wise
and or a
Need a Therapist days, where I just need someone to listen

The above plan is not for comment because it is a schedule
no matter how lame or stupid it sounds please restrain yourself and move on

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