And so at my last Parent/Teacher Conference my English teacher "the tank" (and in no way does she resemble a tank in anyway) told my parents: my wrting was decent, and my hanadwriting -artist; but I must beware because it is extremely illegable to everyone else. And if I were to write "my way" on the SATs and the scorers couldn't read it, they would just give it a 0. And so since I believe my writing is more deserving of a high grade, I guess I should let go of my stubornness for the next two years of High School and attempt to write in a way they could understand.
Yes, I agree maybe it is hard to read, however I always feel defensive about my writing because I always seem to be THE ONLY ONE in all my classes whose writing is demeed messy. And I don't personally get it! Often times I see chicken scratch writen on my neighbor's page, it looks as if it were done by a first grader who still uses those thick pencils. No offense boys but often their handwriting SUCKS and the teacher NEVER tells them to try to write nicer. Is it simply because they are a boy? Is their handwriting not supposed to be superior just because of their gender? To me, that is extremely unfair and BS! Just because I am a girl, doesn't mean my handwriting should look like that of the girl sitting next to me. Where every letter is perfectly spaced out, they dot their I's with little hearts or circles. And each letter is unusually wide as if the reader were to be sitting ten feet away and has to see it!
I HATE the typically, girlly, prepy, handwriting and I know you all reading this know what I am talking about! Why must my penmenship look identical to theirs? Just thinking of it makes me gag! Why do I seem to be the only one picked on for her writing by those whose doesn't look much better; may I stand corrected doesn't look equal!
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