I am a middle child, the second girl of my family. Now I don't like to admit it but I have always wanted or wanted to do everything my older sister has or does. Since that Christmas when we were three, and she got a Katie Kisses and Giggles doll - I just had to get one too! When she got a Game Boy Advance (which was advance back then) I just had to get one too, either to see what all the fun was about or to be be left out. I have done ballet, soccer, gymnastics all after her too. And whenever she starts playing the Sims or Dance Dance Revolution, I just get this urge to play too. I have a Facebook, guess who got hers first? And I have a blog, guess whose idea that was...yep you guessed it, her. Call it little sister syndrome or me just being a pain in the behind, my childhood toys and activities have been exact copies or clones of hers. However luckily for me, she has always been really good about it and continues to be! My sister has the patience and understanding of a saint.
Now the story of my blog is anything but original. During her senior year she had a teacher who assigned a blog project. My sister had to create a blog and write in it every week for one year. It was less than two months into the year when one day when she was typing away at the computer- an invisible force pulled me to the screen and the words, "what is that?" popped out of my mouth. Oh this is my blog she replied, do you want one too? And so my blog was born with an impeccably similar title.....hm wonder where I got that from. She is and continues to be my one and only follower. So heres to you Carmen, a tribute to my favorite sister, the best to walk this earth and most loyal follower (who does not forget to comment on my poor spelling and grammar). Cheers.