Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wishes and youth

Today I was at a Girl Scout function, girls from all ages were invited. I was one of the oldest Girl Scouts being a "senior." As I was watching some of the younger girls run around, and laugh with their friends, I rememebered back to Middle and Elementary school. I absolutly loved Middle School, Elementary was not bad either. It had been a time when life was simple and sheltered. I some times envy kids younger me, I envy their stressfree, carefree easy lives. Now I live by a schedule and one bad grade on a test could prevent me from getting into a desired college. Everything I do now has a chain effect, and now I am 100% resonsible for all that I do. With age comes more freedoms, but even more limits. Yes I can drive a car, but first I have to pay for issurance, gas money, and keep the car in good working condition. All that I want to do requires money and time. Which you don't have one if you have to other. Example: you want to travel: you need to work to save enough money but now you don't have the time, if you don't work you have the time but no money. Plus, it's hard to save money if you have to feed, clothe and house yourself. sigh, wouldn't life be so much easier if you won the lottery at age 16?

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