Monday, October 4, 2010

But I believe everything will be ok

I feel a writing spell coming on....

I am a Senior in High School
with no clue of what I am supposed to do

I have to wear red decals to prove I am inexpirenced

I have to apply to colleges very very soon

I have only taken the SATs once, and I hope that will do

I have not really found a college that fits all my criteria

I have never had a boyfriend

I should find a date for prom

My soccer team keeps losing

I did not win Miss Columbus

I did not win the Penny Wars at school

My sister is stressed

My parents are upset

Physics is driving me insane

I have not heard back from Girl Scouts to see if my proposal for my Gold Award is execpted

School wants me to do more

I am gaining friendships with my friends but losing it with others

I am confused

I keep dreaming of asking people for help, for begging people to help.

I keep dreaming of hiding and escaping from an unknown evil, it changes everytime. But I have to sneak through doors, and hallways, hide in bushes and run away to get away, to save myself.
I find a person, hoping they are nice, asking for help, begging for help

I cannot sleep on my face, it gives me acne
I cannot touch my face, it gives me acne
I cannot miss a acne treatment, it gives my acne

I wear makeup but it won't come off

I want to feel comfortable
I lack self-cofidence, but I don't know where it went

Some people put me down, they think I am just confused and do not know what I am talking about
but I listen, but I forget, but I pronounce things wrong

But I Believe everything will be ok

I will find someone who I trust and can talk to

I will love myself and my body like I used to

I will play soccer like there is no tomorrow

I will smile after loses because I am alive and healthy

There is a college out there for everyone

There are people out there for everyone

Stresses will be relieved

Everything will be ok

I will get used to school

I will find time for a lost friend

I will manage my time effectively

I will count the people important to me
and the people that I am important to

I will trust in what I am told

I will study, I will be bold

I will come up with logical explanations for the things that I disagree with

I am alive and I am well

and I believe that everything will be ok

I do not have to grow up in one day, there will be people to help me along the way

Some people will apose me, but that will be ok

because they are the challenges that make you stronger

and everything will be ok.

and if you feel like no one loves you,
just know that I think you are important to me
Even if I do not know you, just reach out

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