Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Flour Babies

So I am a Senior and for our Senior health project....
we have to carry around a five pound bag of flour for a week.

What you have to do is buy a five pound bag of flour, and a Styrofoam head.
You can make the baby arms and legs out of panty-hoes or stockings. Then dress it in cheap baby clothes from Wal-mart or wrap it in a blanket.

I am using my sister's baby from two years ago (I only changed the name)
and when I say I am using my sister's baby...I mean flour and all.
So I hope there are no bugs living in my sister's baby!
My mom said that as long as I don't break her open, I should be fine.

This baby project is always so much fun. Seeing all the seniors walk around with their ugly creations (most are pretty hideous especially the boy's but the girl's usually put alotta work into their children, and therefore they are much cuter).

There have been cases of kids stealing other kid's babies and hiding them etc...

During lunch today, I got up to throw away my trash and when I got back my baby was gone.....and all that was left was her leather jacket (I got a biker leather jacket from build-a-bear and put it on my baby. She is known as "one bad ass baby" and on the back of the jacket, says 'Harley Davis") so I went searching all over the lunch room for her.
I asked all my friends and NO one knew where she went. It turns out that my friends who sit at my table, stuck her in a back pack (they had gotten up to go get lunch) so it was a good five minutes where I did not know where my child was.

And then when I found her, my one friend Sam the self proclaimed 'grandmother' (even though she is two years younger than me) stole her from me and started running away. I had to run across the lunch room to get her back. It was so funny.

Many teachers also love to teach their students a lesson. Our biology teachers like to steal people's babies and put them in the chemical vapor room when students get up to do labs. One teacher in particular brings in extra flour during the baby week, and after they steal the baby, he sprinkles flour on the desk, so the student thinks that someone ripped their child to shreds.

I went to soccer today and one freshman girl asked what would happen if she dropped it. (Now I think she is a little demented in the head, because come on aren't you old enough to realize that the duck tape four sack might break open, the Styrofoam head would crack.......) and I would fail, and we both would have to clean up the flour?

I especially feel bad for the babies on Friday....they just never seem to make it home. On Friday after school, all the kids who don't plan to make cookies with their flour like to throw it down the stairs, or dump it in the parking lot.

Having too much fun playing with her flour baby
(named Nikita Rose Adenike Genesis Z)
{named Nikita after a friend and that TV show about the Russian Assassin}

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