After my parents's wedding, my mom got her wedding dress dry cleaned and packed up in an air tight box. She always kept this box under her bed and of course, twelve years later, her curious daughter would find it. When I was little I asked my mom to open the box so I could see her wedding dress, of course she told me no, since she didn't want it to get ruined. So I asked her, when I turned sixteen would she open it up? and she agreed. Last year, two months after turning sixteen, I remembered her promise so we marched upstairs and pulled the box from under her bed. She had been very thin in her twenties and being 1-3 inches shorter than both her daughters.....none of us could fit back into it. But still it was cool looking at the life my mom had before she had us. That beautiful dress was a style of a different time...(oh the eighties).....but I really appreciated looking at her dress. I really appreciated my mom taking her wedding dress out of the protective box to show me.
I hope to one day do the same for my daughter(s)
when they are sixteen, to show them my wedding dress in person
your daughters might feel the same
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