Sunday, August 22, 2010

Time Capsule for 13 years from now

Dear Kathleen of 30 years,
I do not know how the decisions I make today will effect my tomorrow. It is August right now, and soccer has just started. I need to finish my summer reading books and start on my Girl Scout Gold Award, and I can already feel the pressure for school starting....
In a couple months I will have to apply to colleges, and with that pick out a major I want to pursue. Dad has already warned me that he will not pay for me to go to college as an undecided...if I do it is MCC for me. And also I would like to go somewhere else besides Rutgers.......
I am stuck between Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. As you probably know Kathleen, Physical Therapists make more money, have to get a doctorate, (and in my opinion) do more for a patient such as helping them walk. However it is Occupational Therapy I have chosen to go for and I shall list my reasons. If you are, please do not be mad at me 30 year-old Kathleen, I am only a young adult trying to figure out the rest of my life. Do not think, 'why didn't I push myself and try for the harder major?' For I have thought this over many times. I understand both majors require lots of study in science....well I want to go to college to succeed not to fail mid-way through the journey and have to pick a new major. Physical Therapy is one more year, a doctorate, and makes more money. Kathleen if you are short on cash, I am very sorry that I did not go for Physical Therapy but at this time it does not appeal to me as much. I feel confident that I CAN become a Occupational Therapist, I cannot picture myself as a Physical Therapist.
I am thinking of working with infants (preemies) and or with war veterans....that is what I want to do. Either to help mother feed there preemies without choking them or to give back to my country and help those who fight for me.

Now I do not know where I will be in thirteen years. I do not know what my situation will be, but please understand that right now, I feel like I am under a lot of pressure, and I do not handle stress well.
Schools I am thinking of are
Stockton, Ithaca, Scranton, USP, IUP, Miseracordia, Ramapo, Rutgers, Penn State, ElizabethTown, and U of St. Augustine.

I hope all is well, and I hope you are happy and successful
Remember when you wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail?

Love 17 year-old Kathleen

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