Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

(above) This is the famous tree in Rockfeller Square in New York

(below) Here is our fraser fur Christmas Tree! We finally got it! And I love it! Now it finally feels like Christmas. We used white LED lights and a white fake snow.

(below) Here is the angel on the top of our tree. We always use an angel instead of a star because it looks like she is looking down at you and protecting the tree and the presents.

Making cookies is fun to do in the kitchen. But I ate them all.
I will post again after Christmas.
Enjoy your holiday if you do or do not celebrate Christmas.
But for those who do...
Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Radio City Rocketts

I saw the Radio City Rockettes Christmas Show!

It was fantastic! New York was cold! But the decorations and the experience were great!


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Tree

My family needs a Christmas Tree,
and we need one badly!
However, this year we have two options....
(1) Go out and buy a tree
(2) Cut down the blue spruce in the front yard.

No matter what we do, I'm voting for #2!

Happy Solict
Happy Hanukkah
Merry Christmas
Happy Kwanza
Happy New Year

Hapy Holidays
Season's Greetings

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I think it's really pretty,
watching candles burn down.
Watching the wax roll down the sides.

I am Catholic and December is a big month for us.
We celebrate Advent, which is a nice little tradition we do
which represents the coming of Christ's birth.

It starts the fourth Sunday before Christmas.
And every Sunday including that one is represented by a candle.
Four candles and they go in the order
Purple (or red, red, red, red)

Right now my family has the first two purples lit and we will light the pink one (to represent Mary this Sunday). We light the appropriate candle everyday during dinner. When a Sunday comes up, that is when we lit the next one.
For example this week I've been lighting the two purple everyday.
This Sunday we will light the pink, then we will light those three all of next week.

It ends on Christmas day.

Also you know that song "12 days of Christmas?"
Well it is actually a real thing.
Christmas day represents the first day, and we celebrate Christmas for 12 more days. It ends on January 6, that is when we believe the 3 Wise Men found their way to the Christ child to give him Gold, Frankincense, and Muir.

Of course I'm not trying to convert anyone, I believe everyone has a right to believe in what they believe in.
This is just a little note about what I do for the holiday, and I love hearing what other people do for their's. I have an interest in celebrations because they are what make people unique. But haven't you ever notice, that they also are very similar?

Have a wonderful Holiday, Seasons Greetings
and have a Happy Safe Heathy New Year!

P.S. Have you ever tried to get a Christmas Tree into a split level house?
Not easy!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fall of my Senior Year

Everything has been very surreal for me, Senior year
I am finally realizing everything I love about my daily routine/and life.

The past couple of years I kept focusing on things that I hate, counting them up and giving them as reasons why I want to go to college so badly.

Isn't it ironic that we only realize what we have, when it is too late?

I love the typical batter between people I know, I love coming home to no homework and watching the t.v. til 10, I love knowing I am an Upper class man, I love seeing decorations for each holiday, I love changing for gym and the pathetic sports we play there, I love it all.

I feel like a cancer patient who was given 10 months to live. I realize that I won't be where I am next year at this time. Will I be alive? Well of course, but I won't be here, in this house I have lived in for 17 years, in this town, going to my high school.
I Will be at some college somewhere, God knows where, studying my butt off, stressed, lonely, and homesick. Nothing will be the same next year, except for maybe my name, but who knows that might change too. Who knows what the future will hold?

Am I getting cold feet? Yes, yes I am.
I guess I am just scared of the unknown, I will be by MYSELF, truly by myself for the first time...well ever. And I can't help but wonder, will I make it?
